

Ikeja Electric Injects DT’s to Ikorodu Area

In a bid to further improve supply in the Ikorodu axis of her network, Ikeja Electric has injected additional distribution transformers into its system as follows: Unity Estate 500kva Distibution Transformer, Ijede Undertaking. Ikorodu Alaseyori 500kva Distribution Transformer, Ijede Undetaking. Ikorodu Just Rite Distribution Transformer, Owutu Undertaking. Ikorodu Green Grace Distribution Transformer, Ijede Undertaking, Ikorodu Continue Reading

Ikeja Electric Cautions Against Bribes

Ikeja Electric, Nigeria’s Largest Power Distribution Company has cautioned against bribing or inducing staff with material reward for services rendered. The company has launched a campaign calling on the general public to demand excellent service at all times without having to induce staff concerned.